Elettra de Salvo
Some Others and Me
«Die Beiträge ergänzen und vertiefen sich gegenseitig, erzählen von Bewegung und Bewegungen, lassen Humor aufblitzen und Elettra de Salvo schließlich doch noch "richtig tanzen". » (Sylvia Staude/Frankfurter Rundschau)
To help bring her own personal examination of new forms of dance and performance theatre to the stage, the 52 year-old actress Elettra de Salvo invited two choreographers and a dance-dramaturge to contribute to her project.
Prue Lang, Jochen Roller and Célestine Hennermann were all 33 years old when they developed the performance.
They observed the actress with respect to her manner, her career and her everyday life and came to similar conclusions, but with different implications.
Aesthetically, each developed wholly individual pieces, for, with and by way of Elettra de Salvo.
At the heart of the work is the conflict of two generations of artists, divided by almost 20 years and an accordingly altered sense of aesthetics.

Artistic Associate: Raliza Nikolowa
General Manager: Anja Neuhaus
Artistic director: Elettra de Salvo
A coproduction of Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt am Main and Hebbel am Ufer Berlin.
Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V., Amt für Wissenschaft und Kunst Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Istituto Italiano di Cultura Frankfurt am Main.
Assisted by Mimecentrum Berlin.
We would like to thank Susanne Foellmer und Francesco Campitelli.